First Christian Church of Saint Joseph
927 Faraon St., St. Joseph, MO 64501 | Sundays @ 10:45am Online Worship. Watch anytime.Where love comes first.
Everyone is invited. Your sexual orientation, gender, race and skin color are important to you and you are important to us. Who you are, is what we are. Service begins at 10:45 am.




Sunday Services
Everyone is invited. We are an open and accepting church. Your sexual orientation, gender, race and skin color are important to you and you are important to us. Who you are, is what we are. Service begins at 10:45 am.
About Us
We are the “First” Christian Church of Saint Joseph. That does not mean we are the only or the best church in town. What it does mean, is that we are a church with a long history in this community. With every passing decade we have reflected on who we are and naturally changed over the years. Some may label us progressive. We label ourselves as striving to love one another. At First Christian Church of Saint Joseph, love comes first.
“Yes, I see the Church as the body of Christ. But, oh! How we have blemished and scarred that body through social neglect and through fear of being nonconformists.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Come on in. As you climb up the steps, look down. Those are the words that describe who we are. Who we aspire to be. Once you are are inside, there are cookies in the lobby and love in the pews. You can listen quietly or let everyone know you are visiting. You can dress up or dress down. (Masks are optional. We follow CDC guidelines.) After the service, feel free to talk to Pastor Brian and Pastor Ann. Finding a place to belong is a very personal decision. All we can do is show you who we are.
Under 18?
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” – JFK
Bring your children. We encourage them to be vibrant. We have a childrens corner for them to explore. Plus, after church, you can always anticipate important questions like:
1. “Mommy, you say I’m an angel but who stole my wings?”
2. “For communion, can we get ciabatta bread next time?”
3. “Does God know the Puppy Dog Pal song?”
And if you don’t have kids, bring the child in you.
Wanna Connect?
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller
We are an ordinary group of people with extrordinary goals. With compassion and grace, we connect to each other and provide strenght and hope for our dreams.
Our Mission & Vision
At FCC Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith
Faith is the key word. Faith in love. Faith in yourself. Faith in God. Faith in humanity. It is a broad word and not always easy to understand. It is word tied deeply to the core of each of us and has as many definitions as there are people in the room. Our mission is to create pathways for you to walk comfortably by yourself or with other members of our community and discover your faith.